Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- s -
- s_instance
: KallistoCore
- s_kallisto_manager_instance
: KallistoCore
- s_sensor_manager_instance
: KallistoCore
- s_system_manager_instance
: KallistoCore
- ScanConfiguration
: BluetoothScannerConfiguration
- ScanRecord()
: BluetoothAdapter::ScanListener::ScanRecord
- sendAdapterEvent()
: KallistoCoreImpl
- sendKallistoEvent()
: KallistoCoreImpl
- sendScanEvent()
: KallistoCoreImpl
- Sensor()
: Sensor
- SensorEvent()
: SensorEvent
- SensorEventListener()
: SensorEventListener
- SensorFactory()
: SensorFactory
- SensorImpl()
: SensorImpl
- SensorProvider()
: SensorProvider
- SensorType
: Sensor
- service_data
: BluetoothAdapter::ScanListener::ScanRecord
- setConfiguration()
: BluetoothScanner
- setFilter()
: BluetoothScanner
- setScannerConfiguration()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, SystemManager
- setScannerFilter()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, SystemManager
- shutdown()
: Executor
- shutdownNow()
: Executor
- start()
: BluetoothScanner
, BatteryChargingSensor
, BatterySocSensor
, KallistoSensor
, RssiSensor
, SensorImpl
- startDfu()
: KallistoManager
- startScan()
: BluetoothAdapter
- startWorker()
: RssiSensor
- stayConnected()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, KallistoManager
, KallistoImpl
- stop()
: BluetoothScanner
, BluetoothScannerConfiguration::Builder
, BatteryChargingSensor
, BatterySocSensor
, KallistoSensor
, RssiSensor
, SensorImpl
- stopScan()
: BluetoothAdapter
- supportsLowEnergy()
: BluetoothAdapterManager
- sync()
: TimeSynchronizer
- syncSensorEvent()
: TimeAjustSynchronizer
, TimeSynchronizer