Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- r -
- readCharacteristic()
: BluetoothDevice
, BluetoothDispatcher
, KallistoImpl
- registerBluetoothAdapterEventListener()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, SystemManager
- registerBluetoothScanEventListener()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, SystemManager
- registerListener()
: BluetoothAdapter
, BluetoothAdapterManager
, KallistoCoreImpl
, KallistoManager
, SensorManager
, KallistoImpl
, SensorImpl
- registerProvider()
: SensorFactory
- registerSensorListener()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, KallistoImpl
- removeBond()
: KallistoManager
- ReportingMode
: Sensor
- rssi
: BluetoothAdapter::ScanListener::ScanRecord
- RssiSensor()
: RssiSensor