Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- o -
- onAdapterConnected()
: BluetoothAdapterManager::Listener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onAdapterDisabled()
: BluetoothAdapter::Listener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onAdapterDisconnected()
: BluetoothAdapterManager::Listener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onAdapterEnabled()
: BluetoothAdapter::Listener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onAdapterEnableFailed()
: BluetoothAdapter::Listener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onBluetoothAdapterDisabled()
: BluetoothAdapterEventListener
- onBluetoothAdapterEnabled()
: BluetoothAdapterEventListener
- onBluetoothAdapterIrrecuperable()
: BluetoothAdapterEventListener
- onBluetoothDeviceRecovered()
: KallistoImpl
- onDeviceFound()
: BluetoothScanEventListener
- onDeviceLost()
: BluetoothScanEventListener
- onDeviceScanReport()
: BluetoothScanEventListener
- onLinkLoss()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, KallistoEventListener
, SensorImpl
- onLinkRecovered()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, KallistoEventListener
, SensorImpl
- onLinkRemoved()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, KallistoEventListener
- onNotification()
: BluetoothDispatcher::NotificationListener
, BatteryChargingSensor
, BatterySocSensor
, KallistoSensor
- onScan()
: BluetoothAdapter::ScanListener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onScanStart()
: BluetoothAdapter::ScanListener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onScanStartFailed()
: BluetoothAdapter::ScanListener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onScanStop()
: BluetoothAdapter::ScanListener
, KallistoCoreImpl
- onSensorChanged()
: SensorEventListener
- operator=()
: BluetoothAdapter
, BluetoothDevice
, BluetoothScannerConfiguration
, BluetoothScannerFilter
, KallistoDetailedResult
, Ads1014Adc
, BatteryChargingSensor
, BatterySocSensor
, Bme280Barometer
, Bme280RelativeHumiditySensor
, Bme280Thermometer
, Bmi160Accelerometer
, Bmi160Gyroscope
, Bmi160Magnetometer
, Ccs811Co2Sensor
, Ccs811TvocSensor
, KallistoSensor
, RssiSensor