Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- g -
- generateHandle()
: SensorImpl
- getAdapter()
: BluetoothAdapterManager
- getAdapters()
: BluetoothAdapterManager
- getAddress()
: BluetoothDevice
, Kallisto
, Sensor
- getBeingUsed()
: Kallisto
, KallistoImpl
- getBond()
: KallistoManager
- getCharacteristics()
: BluetoothDevice
, BluetoothDispatcher
, KallistoImpl
- getConfiguration()
: BluetoothScanner
- getConnected()
: BluetoothDevice
- getCycleDuration()
: BluetoothScannerConfiguration
- getDevice()
: BluetoothAdapter
- getDevices()
: BluetoothAdapter
, KallistoCoreImpl
- getDuration()
: BluetoothScannerConfiguration
- getEnabled()
: SensorImpl
- getFilter()
: BluetoothScanner
- getFirmwareVersion()
: Kallisto
- getHandle()
: Sensor
- getHardwareVersion()
: Kallisto
- getId()
: BluetoothAdapter
- getIdentifier()
: Sensor
- getIdFromManufacturerData()
: SensorImpl
- getInstance()
: KallistoCore
- getKallisto()
: KallistoManager
- getKallistoManagerInstance()
: KallistoCore
- getKallistos()
: KallistoManager
- getKallistoWithAddress()
: KallistoHelper
- getKallistoWithSensorHandle()
: KallistoHelper
- getLegacyDiscovery()
: BluetoothScannerConfiguration
- getLinkLoss()
: Kallisto
, KallistoImpl
- getManufacturer()
: Kallisto
- getMaxDelay()
: Sensor
- getMaximumRange()
: Sensor
- getMessage()
: KallistoDetailedResult
- getMinDelay()
: Sensor
- getName()
: BluetoothDevice
, Kallisto
, Sensor
- getParameters()
: BatteryChargingSensor
, BatterySocSensor
, KallistoSensor
, RssiSensor
, SensorImpl
- getPower()
: Sensor
- getReportingMode()
: Sensor
- getResolution()
: Sensor
- getResult()
: KallistoDetailedResult
- getRssi()
: BluetoothDevice
, BluetoothDispatcher
, KallistoImpl
- getScanConfiguration()
: BluetoothScannerConfiguration
- getScannerConfiguration()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, SystemManager
- getScannerFilter()
: KallistoCoreImpl
, SystemManager
- getSensor()
: SensorManager
, KallistoImpl
- getSensorManagerInstance()
: KallistoCore
- getSensors()
: SensorManager
, KallistoImpl
- getServices()
: BluetoothDevice
, BluetoothDispatcher
, KallistoImpl
- getSoftwareVersion()
: Kallisto
- getStringType()
: Sensor
- getSystemManagerInstance()
: KallistoCore
- getType()
: Sensor
- getTypeFromManufacturerData()
: SensorImpl
- getValueArraySize()
: Sensor
- getVendor()
: Sensor
- getVersion()
: Sensor