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SY021-PCB Datasheet




The Kallisto® SY021-PCB is a compact sensor module which can be used for application integration as standalone module or assembled on a mezzanine using the Bottom LGA pads. The platform module is delivered with a Zephyr based firmware which makes the system functions accessible over Bluetooth LE. With the mobile Toolbox App or Python library the module can be used instantly to configure sensors and stream sensor data. A gateway solution is available with partners. Additional functionality is integrated by request and can be purchased from Sensry. Please refer to for additional information.

The module is able to acquire 20 sensors and control 4 actuators outputs to support a variety of applications. Additionally, there is an extension header to add additional sensors or periphery to board.

General Features

  • LGA Module 55mm x 22mm
  • Low power ARM Cortex-M4F microcontroller
  • Bluetooth® 5.4 Low Energy
  • Bluetooth® LE Antenna-on-Module
  • Bottom LGA pads for external NFC antenna
  • Bottom LGA pads for Qi charge receiver antenna
  • Battery management & LiPo charger
  • On-board 128 MByte Flash memory for sensor data logging
  • USB connector for power supply
  • 20 sensor values
  • 4 high current low-side driver on LGA pads

Integrated Sensors

In its standard configuration, the Kallisto® sensor platform is equipped with a set of rigidly attached sensor components which facilitate the simultaneous detection of 20 different measurands at sampling rates which can be individually configured even after shipment. Optionally, additional sensor components can be connected to the SY021-PCB by making use of its multiple I/O interfaces. The integration in the firmware can be purchased from Sensry GmbH. This flexibility enables a customization according to customer requirements and application needs.

Sensor Value Range Sampling Rate / Hz
Acceleration ±4 g ... ±16 g for x-, y-, z-axis 12.5 ... 800
Angular velocity (Gyrsocope) ±125 °/s ... ±2000 %/s for x-, y-, z-axis 25 .. 800
Magnetic Flux ±50 gauss for x-, y-, z-axis 10 ... 150
High frequency vibration ±8 g ...64 g for x-, y-, z-axis 0.781 ... 25600
Temperature -40 ... +85 °C 0.017 ... 1
Relative Humidity 0 ... 100 %rH 0.017 ... 1
Ambient Pressure 300 ... 1100 hPa 0.017 ... 1
b-VOC (breath-VOC) 0.5 ... 1000 ppm 0.017 ... 1
eCO2 (equivalent CO2) 400 ppm ... infinity 0.017 ... 1
IAQ (Index Air Quality) 0 ... 100 0.017 ... 1
Light-to-digital 1.2 ... 10 mW/cm² (for 300 ... 1000 nm wave length) 0.1 ... 8
Noise level -135 dbFS ... +3 dBFS (Decibels relative to full scale) 0.1 ... 1

Technical Data

Mechanical Parameters

Parameter Value
Board type LGA with Top-side Assembly
Size (L x B x H) 54 mm x 22 mm x 4 mm
Mounting holes 3 x M2
Battery connector MOLEX 78171-0003
Extension connector MOLEX 504050-1091
Antenna on-board chip antenna
Power USB-C or Wireless QI Charge (Coil needed)
Switch Button Reset
LED BLE connection

SY021-PCB mechanical drawing

LGA Pinout

The LGA Pinout is for made for mezzanine assembly and future extensions. The following image shows the top view, the LGA pads are on the bottom side of the PCB.

SY021-PCB mechanical drawing

LGA Pad Description
EXT UART RX Serial UART RX (same as extension connector)
EXT UART TX Serial UART TX (same as extension connector)
EXT GPIO 2 GPIO 2 (same as extension connector)
EXT GPIO 1 GPIO 1 (same as extension connector)
PDM DATA PDM DATA (same as extension connector)
PDM CLK PDM CLK (same as extension connector)
I2C SCL I²C Clock (same as extension connector)
I2C SDA I²C Data (same as extension connector)
+1V8 1.8V Regulated Power
GND Power Ground
RESERVED Do not connect!
RESERVED Do not connect!
RESERVED Do not connect!
nRES System Reset
SPI MOSI SPI Master Out Slave In
SPI MISO SPI Master In Slave Out
QI_COIL2 Qi Charge Coil Connector 2
QI_COIL1 Qi Charge Coil Connector 1
+1V8 1.8V Regulated Power
EXT0 External Low Side Driver 1
EXT1 External Low Side Driver 2
USB_P USB Data +
USP_N USB Data -
EXT2 External Low Side Driver 3
EXT3 External Low Side Driver 4
VSYS System voltage (VUSB or VBAT)
+5V 5V Board power
SHPHLD Ship Mode Deactivation
GND Power Ground
SHPACT Ship Mode Activation
NFC1 NFC coil connector 1
NFC2 NFC coil connector 2
GND Power Ground
ADC1 ADC input 2
ADC0 ADC input 1
VBAT Battery voltage (+)
NTC Battery NTC (10kOhm expected)
GND Power Ground

System Schematic

SY021-PCB module schematic

Electrical Parameters

The PCB module can be powered over USB-C, Qi Charger or LiPo-battery. The board system voltage to power the SoC and periphery is 1.8V.

SY021-PCB power path

Board Power & Battery Charge

Rechargeable LiPo-batteries can be purchased separately from Sensry. The standard capacities are 150 mAh, 500 mAh and 1900mAh, other capacities are available on request.

There are different possibilities to power the board:

  • USB (w/ or w/o battery)
  • LGA pads (+5V, VBAT or regulated 1.8V)
  • LiPo battery (on battery connector or LGA pad)

To recharge the battery, the board must be powered either with 5V (USB or 5V LGA pad) or via Qi Charge Coil and a standard Qi charge transmitter.

For wireless charging, a receiver coil must be assembled to the LGA pins AC1 and AC2. The recommendation is a TDK WR222230-26M8-G coil:

SY021-PCB charge coil connection SY021-PCB charge coil

Any standard Qi smartphone charger can be used to charge the module. The receiver coil must be place close (< 1 mm) to the Qi charger.

Battery Interface

The LiPo battery must include a 10kOhm NTC.

SY021-PCB battery connector

Extension Interface

The extension interface is equipped with the 10-pin Molex Pico-Lock-Connector 504050-1091 and allows to extend the sensor module with periphery. Molex provide several cable assemblies (MOLEX 15132100x) as a board-to-board connector. The Pinout is described in the following table.

Pin Function Description
1 GND System Ground
2 VSYS System Power
3 I2C SDA I²C Data
4 I2C SCL I²C Clock
5 PDM CLK Audio PDM Clock
6 PDM DATA Audio PDM Data
7 GPIO 1 GPIO for future use
8 GPIO 2 GPIO for future use

Ship Mode Activation / Deactivation

The ship mode allows to switch off / Shut-down the device completely while the battery is still connected. It isolates the battery and reduces the quiescent current. The ship mode is designed for transportation and long-term storage. Two LGA pads are available to trigger & control the mode externally.

The ship mode can be activated using the SHPACT LGA pin on the bottom side. While the battery is connected and the USB or Qi Power is disconnected (no battery charge), this pin must be tied to HIGH (> 1.1V) for minimum period of 200 ms. Alternatively, the SHPACT pin is connected to an internal Microcontroller pin, so the mode can be activated by firmware.

To deactivate t ship mode, there are two ways: Either connect the USB plug to apply 5V power source or tie SHPHLD LGA pin low (< 0.4 V) for a minimum period of 200 ms.

Ship Mode Pins

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